Friday, June 06, 2008

Notes on the Love Ministries Federation


We know what you mean by all the negativity in the news. When that golem bush first grabbed power, we went on a "news fast" for months, as we knew that nothing good would or could come from him. Who would have dreamed that he would make the world far, far worse than we could have imagined?

By having killed over a million human beings in the Middle East, and having spent three trillion dollars to do it, he bankrupted our country, creating enormous debts to China, and covered the world with blood and violence.

Love Ministries felt repelled by all the pain and misery. That was when the idea of the Love Ministries Federation arose. For we are stronger in cooperation, when joining hands and forces, than when acting alone. So, we gathered together several small independent ministries, and explained how we were not interested in doctrines, denominations, and different religions. What our world needs to publicize, and put into activity, is Love. Many of our foreign sisters and brothers are more humble than most Westerners, and compliantly agreed. So, now we have a Federation that includes, in alphabetical order, Love Ministries of India, Love Ministries of Kenya, Love Ministries of Pakistan, Love Ministries of Tanzania, Love Ministries of Uganda, and Love Ministries, USA.

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