Sunday, July 20, 2008

Illness and Healing


Sickness usually does not have any supernatural origin. It does not come
from God or from a "devil." It occurs because we are all a part of
nature, and nature has drifted away from the perfect Mind, although that
perfect Mind still indwells nature.

In ancient times, this Supermind was called "God," and nature was called
"Goddess." (Early Christians had a goddess they called "Sophia.") God,
the infinite Mind of Love, lives within and through the Goddess. They
are not "two beings," but God is one with Goddess.

Nature has also become the tool of energy. When we deliberately act in
any way, we send forth energy. It can be positive (constructive) or
negative (destructive). Nature acts as a kind of "energy-mirror," and
sends back to us the very same energy that we sent out.

The Soul wants always to learn. Spiritual education in Love is the very
reason that this world exists. The whole world is a school, and it is
here to teach us. One very important way that it teaches us is by
limiting us. One important way that it limits us is by allowing us to
experience illness. This shows our complete dependence upon God (Love)
as the great Healer. For every act of Love is an act of healing. It
might not heal us completely or permanently, but each and every act of
kindness, goodness, or compassion makes us stronger and more healed.
(The word "heal" comes from the same root word as "whole," and "holy.")

So, any disorder, any sickness, can be understood in terms of our Soul's
trying to educate us in Love. For when we suffer, we then feel sorry for
others who must also suffer. For if a person suffers little, she also
loves little. She who suffers more can love more. She becomes, at best,
an instrument or vessel for divine Love. This human vulnerability was
what God meant when he told St. Paul, "My Power will be made perfect in
thy weakness." So, Love is made more perfect when we experience
suffering due to physical limitations, or even illness.

Illness also teaches us to love our bodies. How do we love our bodies?
By getting enough sleep, by eating good and healthy foods, by meditation,
and by loving others. All these activities prove that we are selfloving,
and we cannot effectively love others unless and until we love ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In ancient times, this Supermind was called "God," and nature was called "Goddess." (Early Christians had a goddess they called "Sophia.") God,the infinite Mind of Love, lives within and through the Goddess. They
are not "two beings," but God is one with Goddess."

Shi - I have never thought about the God and Goddess this way... I can see then the way the binaries might have lined up and started to be associated across unlike domains - light/dark, spirit/material, mind/heart, male/female, good/bad.

The interpenetration of supermind and nature as the love of the God and Goddess is a beautiful thought. Thank you so much for sharing this - do you remember how you gleaned it?