Sunday, March 02, 2008

God and Goddess


God does not have a physical body. God is not even localized, so that She has a particular place in the universe. For God is Mind, and Mind is everywhere.

Mind without a body cannot, by definition, be either male or female.
Ideas that insist that God is "male" have deep roots in our society, but they are nothing but a primitive, ancient cultural artifact. They are unfortunately reinforced by references to God as "Father." For God is not "Father" alone, but both Mother and Father.

God often expresses as Mother Nature. Ancient and very early Christians recognized a Goddess whom they called "Sophia."

But we have regressed to the very backward, and very archaic, view of God as all-male. This assumption arises directly from the Jehovah-myth of the Hebrew Scriptures. Like many other factors of the myth, it is mistaken.

For God is both, and equally, Goddess. In fact, the Enlightenment Tradition favors strongly the "feminine" qualities of God, such as Love, tenderness, gentleness, kindness, etc. The earliest Christians were gnostics (mystics), and the gnostic traditions also completely renounced and rejected the Jehovah-myth of an angry, frustrated male god. They taught that Jehovah was a limited and ignorant spiritual being, and that the material world was one of his "failed experiments." It was, they said, in full agreement with Hindu and Buddhist mysticsages, an illusion or dream only.

So, when referring to the One, the Ultimate, the Absolute, or great Mind, it is often more satisfying, and more accurate, to refer to God as "Goddess." God and Goddess are thus synonymous, not two different beings. There is only one God, and She is also Goddess.

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