Thursday, August 25, 2005

Human Origins and Races


Human beings were the result of very complex lab-experiments in which the earth was the lab. The Book of Genesis refers to a group of very ancient beings called the elohim. This word is plural, and means, literally, "gods." But it has been mistranslated as "God." This was deliberate, for the translators of the Bible, beginning in 1611 with the King James Bible, thought that polytheism (belief in many gods) was evil and satanic.

But the earliest writers of theBible were polytheists. Genesis refers to a group of "gods" that used the earth as a great biolab. Dozens of very ancient traditions all have this idea of "gods" in common. That indicates that these mythologies might refer to an actual event, perhaps prehistoric.

In modern terms, the "gods" were highly advanced and developed life-forms. They were beings so advanced that they possibly did not even have physical bodies, but energic ones. It is possible even that they were able to fly through the galaxies without any kind of craft to carry them. At any rate, they were beings of enormous power and immense scientific knowledge. They seeded our planet with the original macromolecules (biomolecules) of life. After that, they left. But they did not abandon their project, and periodically revisited the earth from time to time. When they returned, they made significant alterations in the dna. For their ultimate goal was to create creatures capable of wisdom and spirituality. So, the goals of their bioproject resulted in intelligent species such as elephants (mammal-brains weigh thirteen pounds) and whales (mammal brains weigh twenty pounds), as well as dolphins and human beings (mammal brains of three pounds).

As life complexified, they decided to work with the forms that developed. So, they did not create human beings from "scratch," the way an engineer-scientist might do. Human beings were not designed on paper, and built separate from the rest of nature. Instead, as we are learning ecologically, we are a part of, not apart from, nature. They had to work with the materials that they had. That is why the human body has so much in common with the bodies of simians and higher bioforms. We are created from the very same dna template. (We share nearly 98% of our dna in common with chimps, for example.) But, again, the "gods " were interested in, and altered the dna of, the brain. This was to give human beings spiritual potentials not possessed by lower life-forms.

If any of the ancient writings are to be taken seriously, as historical, they tell about these "gods." From the ancient accounts of the oldest Indian writings to the most ancient texts of the Hebrew Scriptures ("Old Testament"), accounts of the gods are preserved. If literal, they tell the story of one of the elohim who simply went insane, and started breaking the rules. His ego simply could not resist being worshipped by primitive nomads; he not only blatantly interfered with history, but practiced murder and other acts of insanity and violence. This e.t. gone astray was Yahweh/Jehovah, the "god" of the ancients.

Different races developed because nature loves diversity and variety. There were also several practical reasons. Over the millennia and eons, they came about due to minor changes in dna that regulated a chemical called "melanin." These were very minor variations; the difference in the quantity of melanin between the darkest human being and the lightest is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Races genetically developed in response to environmental factors, especially sunlight. (Darker skin has more protection against the harmful uv's or ultraviolet rays of the sun.) No one race, of course, is superior to any other; they are just genetic variations of the "human" type or theme. Every race, from the negroid through the mongoloid to the caucasoid (science recognizes only three), contains the entire spectrum of human types, from idiots to geniuses.

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