Sunday, January 02, 2005


In handling anger, regular meditation is essential and indispensable. The technique recommended is "pervasive meditation." (It is also called "acognitive therapy.") Here is how it works:

You choose a phrase of four syllables. It should be positive and spiritually uplifting. Then, all through the day, you turn this phrase over and over in your mind like a mantra. (The phrase is called a "trm," or "thought-replacement mechanism.") Every moment that your mind is not actively involved, being used intellectually, you return to the trm. Whenever you have ten seconds, twenty seconds, one or two minutes-- any time at all-- you return your mind to the trm. If you do this consistently, anger-energy will vanish; it will be recycled into positive thoughts and actions.

There is a book about this technique, called Teflonmind. It is all about Lovebased detachment. If you'd like a copy, just send your snailmail address, and one will be sent to you.

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