Thursday, January 06, 2005

Positivity-vow and Negativity

Many mystics take personal interior vows to fill their minds continually with as much Love, and to repel as much fear, as possible. This article describes this kind of vow. The intent of letters, including emails, is largely self-sharing. A part of good and lasting friendship is coming to know facts and histories of the friend. So, anything shared was not mentioned in order to change your style or content of writing, but simply, as self-expression.

If you want to mention painful, harmful, or negative events in your writings, that is fine. As a psychospiritual advisor and lifedesign consultant, indeed, much of what I hear every day-- from clients, students, and friends-- describes the negativities, hurdles, and obstacles of life.

These must be understood, explained, and analyzed before any progress towards recovery, or growth, is possible. My interior vow was a personal matter only. Its purpose was not to cut off "negativity" from others, but to make sure that, as you said, it does not take over the heartmind and dominate the personal life. One is most immediately responsible for those thoughts and ideas that come from within. It is these that, in the end, can make or break a person's happiness.

The attempt is to fill the whole heartmind with God, or Love, or its resulting joy, as often as possible. This does not mean that the enlightened want to create barriers to, or fences against, communication with others. Often, to aid another, or even to relate, one must share negative memories, thoughts, ideas, and events.

The mystic does nothandle negativity by a "head in the sand" avoidance or evasion. Instead, she carefully studies and analyzes the world, and her reactions to it, learning from everything. So, she must of necessity include much "negative" material in her mind.

But she does not let it take over, or establish a permanent home in her psyche. She refuses to cross the line into a negative consistent mindset, a masochistic relishing of negativity for its own sake. She does not continuously feed her mind with negativity, which is the sustenance of fear, Love's opposite. So, we must be careful never to see it as a "black and white," "all or nothing" situation. One cannot completely avoid negativity; but neither must she fill her mind with it daily or hourly.

The interior vow was not to feed the psyche a regular diet of fear and various negativities. And that is all. To live in the real world, and especially to aid others and the self to a healthy mindset, it is absolutely necessary to consider both the positive and negative events of life. So, please do not take the vow with extreme literalism, or as an expression of extremism. It was never designed to try to neutralize all negativity all the time. But, whenever possible, it was designed to re-mind of the necessity to fill the mind with Love, regularly and consistently.

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