Sunday, January 09, 2005

Nothing Exists but Perfect Lovemind

If you allow distractions to take your mind away from the Way or path of Love, truth, or Light, this creates an over-emphasis on the "separate" self. This self feels very alone at times.

Of course, it can never be. The crux, the foundation, the matrix or skeleton of all error and/or illusion is this illusion that "your" mind is separate from Mind, cosmic Mind. This great and common mistake is called "dualism." It promotes the illusion that some things can exist outside of Mind. Its second illusion is that the Mind has a real "opposite." The ancient Eastern sages said, "God is closer than the breath that you are now breathing in."

But when we begin to think that we are only bodies, only brains, we lose sight of the very basic fact that we are actually nonphysical minds, or Souls. As minds, we are simply dreaming up bodies, and worlds for them to inhabit.

The most foundational teaching of the Enlightenment Tradition is that, in all the worlds, only Mind is absolutely real. Since you partake of Mind, by thinking, by selfawareness, this means that you are also absolutely real. For you are part of the Absolute, Spirit, Lovemind, or God. It is relative to no other person or thing, but is the only Reality in the cosmos.

The only reality in your life is your mind. And in its deeper levels, the Unconscious, it is no longer "yours," but is simply Mind. (This is what we in the West have always called "God.")

So, in all the universe, all that is "really real" is Mind. The mystical phrase, "God is truth" can equally be, "Mind is Reality." That is why a mystical synonym for God is "Reality." And, in all that Mind, the only factor that is "really real" is Love.

Every spiritual journey can be broken down,conceptually, into parts. The first part of the spiritual Way inward is called "the beginning." When you first started on the inner path, you were willing to give it your all, your everything. If somewhere along the way, you lose the vision that made you so happy, enthusiastic, and energetic, the joy becomes boredom, dull and ordinary. The solution? Remind yourself frequently that life, like Mind, is a beautiful miracle! Meditate, and open
yourself, regularly, to the great Source of all joy, the deep Godmind in the deepest Unconscious. Even if you lose your first enthusiasm, it is NOT because you have somehow "become a bad person." It is simply due to the much more prosaic fact that you have allowed yourself to drift from the Way, to be distracted by problems and challenges. You might be in danger of falling into dualism-- the belief that anything or anyone is separate from the One. So, remind yourself continuously that God is in everything-- every object, person, event, and situation. "God is all, and..." could be a helpful trm in pervasive meditation.

To understand this greatest of mysteries, you must remind, and reremind, yourself of these factors: The world is a dream. It is being dreamed up THROUGH, although not BY, your personal mind.

Since it is being dreamed up by a Mind that is Love, everything and everyone in your entire world (all that you know) is dreamed up to serve your deepest Self. The highest gift that Mind can give us is spiritual growth. This is growth in Love-capacities. To do this, It will dream up complex challenges, just as a good teacher of math will provide complex problems for a student for whom she really cares.

When you realize that everything/everyone in your world is dreamed up by a perfect Mind of Love, you will begin to cultivate a state called "allembracing Mind." This is the state in which you re-unify the cosmos as an "allgood" world. In this world, all labels of "absolute evil," "absolute bad," "absolute ugliness," etc., are dissolved and neutralized.

Our reward? We get to return to the inner "Eden," the "Garden of pure pleasure" in the heart! Nothing/noone is absolutely bad; in the end, even karma and maya are the servants of perfect Mind, and of Love.

The enlightened mind never seriously uses such words as "bad" or "ugly," for she lives in a cosmos in which every event, situation, and object is good and beautiful. She has stepped beyond the illusion of dualism. She undoes the damage done by "eating" of the "forbidden fruit" of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

Some of this profound metaphysics seems boring, unclear, and irrelevant. But if you can take to heart the one simple fact that is the center of this message, it will dramatically improve everything in your mind and world. So, this is no attempt to flee from problems, but to solve them at their very heart and essence. For human problems cannot be solved unless they are understood in the light of being embedded in philosophy. So, all that you need to remember about this article is this: Even
though you cannot understand it or see it, everything is good because everything serves Love-education.

You probably have many questions. That, of course, is a very good thing. You can find some of the answers to some of them by reading my books, available free online, at:

At that site, the books can be 1) accessed, 2) downloaded, or 3)purchased. Please begin with the book Falling in Love with Yourself: Love and the Inner Beloved. As you read,when you have a question, jot it down and send it along! I am here to serve you.

Btw, the snailmail address is:

Adamaria and Richard Francis,
5100 Liberty-Fairfield Rd.
Liberty Township, OH 45011

In case you need to talk, the number is 513-737-LOVE (5683). Have a bright and beautiful day, and enjoy this magnificent gift of lovely, crisp, brisk weather!

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