Sunday, January 30, 2005

Smorgasbord of Spirituality, and Limited Cult-thinking

From a religious/spiritual overview, in the "big picture," Jehovah's Witnesses are a very nanoscopic cult in the history of religion. It is, to be precise, a split-off from the Second Adventists, itself only a series of very small churches. In the late nineteenth century, they were all predicting the "end" at any moment. Other cults, which did not survive, included the Campbelites, the Millerites, and the Wilburites. The Russelites, which later evolved into the Jehovah's Witnesses, just barely survived their own false predictions. These were many and serious, and marked as the "year of the end of civilization" 1874, 1914, and, later, 1925, and others.

The world's treasure of spirituality is a very rich smorgasbord, a cafeteria with a thousand delicious meals. In the face of such exquisite and delightful infinity, it is difficult to see why, out of fear, a person would allow herself to take the tiniest bite from the smallest vegetable! The exploration of spiritual paths, in all their diversity, is so much more exciting and delighting! What a great joy-- and utter freedom!:)

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