Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Real Jesus

It is very easy to see why and how one could be "turned off" by the presentations of Jesus in our culture. Yes, my friend, there is Jesus, and there is Jesus! I will have nothing to do with the Jesus of televangelism, which is part caricature, part clown, and part out-of-control, screaming preacher. I very much prefer the Jesus of history and spirituality-- the tranquil, compassionate, soft, tender, loving, and brilliantly wise teacher.

This Jesus does what he tells us to do-- truly loves his enemies. And that means only one truth: He has, recognizes, no "enemies." He is friends with all sentient beings. He radiates, overflows with, compassion. But he is balanced, and is also sharply intelligent. He is all here, all right now!

As you know, he is the perfect incarnation of the Christ-spirit-- a name for the God/Love-human interface. This lives actively in your heartmind and mine. So, this Jesus is relevant-- stunningly so-- to our every thought, word, and deed. When we embrace the world without negative judgments, when we accept reality as it is, on its own terms, as the Taoist mystics emphasize, we are firmly centered in reality ("truth"). So, any other approach becomes unrealistic, and the mystical Way the very apex or zenith of realism.

To communicate with this "interior Other," this "Beyond within," is never to walk alone. This Jesus is a universal man, a true intercultural mystic. Even the human Jesus of history was rejected by the religious Jews, and so, was not a religious Jew. And he was not a "Christian," for that word had not yet been invented. So, what was he? He was a man who was in Love with Love, and he defied all categories.

He is a platinum role-model. You can become a "Jesus-Christian" without ever becoming an orthodox "Christian." You can be this type of Christian without joining any organized church. And you can also detach from the detestable history of the "Christian" church. This is just one way within the Way, a true form of the mystical tradition. It is a pleasure to join you on this very high, nonreligious, spiritual path!

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