Monday, January 19, 2009

Retrospeculation on Governor Spitzer

Thanks to Mick Gallagher

Retrospeculation on Governor Spitzer

Phony accusations, the entire tapes will show they took some of his comments out of context 'to fit' their trumped up phoney charges, like Marc Dann, Elliot Spitzer, Clinton...the sex scandals usually work well; maybe they couldn't get him to take the bait, with that angle. Either way, they wanted him out of the way...could it be..he was standing up to Bank of America? In the 'Republic Windows and Door's'- corporate malfeasance nonsense? Remember--they threw 200 people out onto the street, without severance after years of loyal service. Tried to blame it on BOA....while they built a 'non-union' shop in Iowa. Guess we can be glad it wasn't Tijuana. *Spitzer was about to take down some heavy hitters on Wall St., same as M. Dann in here in Ohio...the likes of Bob Noe, etc. Funny how we rush to judgement--just because they saturated our minds with 'their' corp media..mind control.

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