Monday, May 19, 2008



A quick note to welcome you to our "efamily." Our extended family contains people of all backgrounds and faiths. We are united by a desire to improve our world through personal transformation, healing the planet through personal healing and personal education. One of our important efforts is the "Universal Love Digest," an infosheet that we produce two or three times a week. This contains from one to five messages, of one to five paragraphs in length. These are thoughts about how we can improve life spiritually. Usually, these messages concern spirituality rather than religion. For we have found that religion is not always helpful, but positive spirituality is. Good and effective spirituality always contains something of compassion, or a call to action. The uld ("Universal Love Digest") is a free service that we provide to our subscribers as an aid to our readers. If you have any questions or thoughts that you wish to express, we welcome your feedback.

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