Sunday, May 18, 2008

Introduction to the Love Ministries Federation


We have recently begun a cooperative effort of small and independent ministries such as yours that we are calling the Love Ministries Federation. If you would like to join our Federation as Love Ministries of Uganda, we would rejoice and welcome you. You would then be joining, in alphabetical order, Love Ministries of India, Love Ministries of Kenya, Love Ministries of Pakistan, Love Ministries of Tanzania, and Love Ministries USA. It is our intention to send small but regular donations to the members of our Federation, to support efforts to help and to aid the poor people of our world. To aid us to do this, please send us your land-address (snailmail address). That way, we can send you donations as our readers send them to us. We will add your name to our free subscriptionlist to two email magazines, the "Universal Love Digest," an infosheet containing from one to five spiritual articles of from one to five paragraphs. It comes out two or three times each week. And we also want to send you Lovelight magazine, a monthly email magazine of about twenty pages. It is designed to encourage and uplift our readers with humor, positivity, and education. You will start to receive both onyour inboxscreen during the month of May.

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