Thursday, February 17, 2005

Predestination and Predesign

Most items in a person's life are not predesigned by the Soul. But in every life,there are a few, very important, events that are just too important, and too complex, to occur "by chance." Randomness is a NONANSWER. It does not really explain a thing! It is an evasion of an answer. It just says, in effect, "Things just happen. There is no reason for any of it. Nothing really means anything. The angel of death just drops out of the sky, and lands on your back."

Most spiritual people live in a much more ordered and orderly cosmos, in which "randomness" plays no part. "Randomness" is just a thin veil to cover ignorance.

Did God use evil men such as hitler to do His/Her will? No, that is absurd. Why? Because God is Love, and these men had anything but Love in their hearts. Besides, the death of one is just as significant, and just as mysterious, as the death of millions.

But the fact that God does not use losers and jerks such as binladen or hitler to do his will does not preclude the possibility that Souls do indeed design the time of their own exiting.

The truth is, the ego never wants to die! It is terrified! It believes death to be always bad! And death is not consciously created by the egomind (the one that we use every day). It is created by the Unconscious. And we not only do not control unconscious processes, but are usually completely unaware of them altogether!

But the fact that we are unaware of a process does not mean that it does not happen. A myriad of bioprocesses are occurring in your body right now. They are keeping you alive, but if you were asked to describe them at a cellular level, where would you begin?

So, as human minds, we are embedded in much greater minds in the Unconscious. One of these is the Soul. It makes Its own plans. If we are aware, we can sometimes, but not always, "read" the Soul's plans inside our own heads.

But stil, It is very mysterious, as there are a hundred million things that we cannot read.

The teaching of the Enlightenment Tradition is that the Soul can read the human genome before birth. It is the Soul that selects the proper sperm-cell out of two to four hundred million, and causes it to enter the egg, forming a zygote. Science has never been able to answer the question of why one sperm makes it, and 399,999,999 perish. For the egg is NOT fertilized by the most perfect, strongest, or fastest spermcell.

So, it is due to the Soul's choice that we are born with bodies with genetic predispositions. These usually imperfect conditions are designed to polish our love, wisdom, or strength. It is probable that, in many people, the moment of death is also "built into" the genome.

But what about people who do not die a "natural" death?

In order to die this kind of death, you must be at a particular place at a particular time. If you were elsewhere, you would not die. Death is one of the most important spiritual events of life.

The Soul does everything out of the deepest Love. So, even though death NEVER seems loving, in the larger picture, it can be liberation and joy.

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