Saturday, February 12, 2005

Friendship and Detachment

True, often hidden, goodness lies within all human nature. This is a delightful summary of the teachings of the Way. Only fullest harmony, complete resonance, with this wisdom exists here!:)

The Enlightenment Tradition goes significantly further than merely saying that people, at the core, are very good. It teaches (we teach) that all human beings are incarnations of perfect Mind, Lovemind, Coremind, Spirit, or God(dess)! And you just cannot get better than that! Mind comes in no finer variety!

This deepest Self just gets covered, and obscured, with the opacities of ignorance and distraction. Then, It is covered further by pain and fear. These are the elements that cause people to degenerate from their "Eden" state. ("Eden" means "pleasure," so this is the fall from bliss.)

Yes, there are some real "hard nuts" to crack in this world. But if we insisted on taking only the easy tests, we would never move out of kindergarten or first grade. To progress, we must incrementally take more difficult and challenging tests. That is the way that life, nature, and Love have arranged our lives.

It is healthy that you have not been dominated by the "slave-driver" of having to visit your friend every day. Visiting should be something that you want, not something that you have, to do. Once you started to react and respond out of your "inner adult" instead of "inner child," what a difference! And how liberating!:)

Can you unilaterally break a karmic bond, so that you do not have to spend the next thousand years dancing around with another's karma on your back? Yes, you can! The keys are detachment and forgiveness. You must, in order to be free from her karma, do two things with your friend: 1) Completely release, let go of, and forgive all wrongs and errors; and 2) Find enough detachment that you are no more upset or affected by her than you are by a stranger. Both of these are extremely challenging, and this is no easy "course" in Love 404! But with the help of the Lovespirit, Who lives deeply within your mind, there is literally no challenge that You cannot overcome.

Keep up the excellent growth! Keep analyzing and understanding, as well as learning from, your life!

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