Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I know that it seems as if some things from the past cannot ever be retrieved. But you would be amazed what can be repaired! You just have to put some effort into it. If you add a little Love to the recipe, then Goddess is on your side, for Goddess is Love! That's a winning combination that just cannot be beat! Believe me!:)

Re healing the past: Have you thought about writing a letter to your dad? A letter is very fine, for you can write it several times, rewrite, and rewrite, until it says exactly what you want. You cannot do this in normal conversation, or over the phone.

If you fill the letter with sweetness, kindness, courtesy, and tenderness, this will be very therapeutic (healing) for you, and it will also help to heal your father's heart. It's a real win-win!

The only way to know whether someone REALLY cares for you is to watch her/his behavior. Do not listen to words; words are cheap, and lies are very easy. If a person really loves you, she/he should SHOW it. How? By doing, and saying, kind and supportive things. By being there for you when you need help. By sharing all that he/she has with you, holding nothing back. By working hard actually to change his/her personality--not just making hollow promises (remember, those are just words.)

Falling very deeply in Love can happen more than once during a lifetime. But it will go nowhere if the Love is not reflected right back at you!

You might believe that another would never love you. But I sense (intuition again) that you are a very sweet person, with many good qualities and characteristics. When you are happy and at peace, you can give very much Love. And you are the only one on the whole planet who can give YOUR SPECIAL Love! Someone, somewhere will consider themselves very, very blessed to receive your Love,and will never take It, or you, for granted. NEVER allow yourself to be "abused," by being ignored or neglected. Do not ever put up with verbal or emotional abuse, and never for a moment with any kind of physical abuse! You are worth much more than that! Try always to love yourself, and that will make it easier for others to love you!

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