Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Giving Up on the World

Meditating a little earlier. It is now 12:19 am, and the wee hours of the morning are particularly sweet when it comes to inner exploration. As has happened in every meditation during the last few days, your case arose in mind again.

It is not at all certain that everything that was revealed by the unconscious Mind can be fully explained here, but an attempt will be made:

Love tests everyone, but certain people, for whom It has a special task, are "purified by fire." This is a state of mind that older Christian writers called "purgatory," which means "purgation" or purification.

Love wants you to learn a very important and valuable lesson, and to take it into yourself, and make it one with your inner mind, so that the lesson will be yours forever. That lesson is that there is no hope in the world. There is no wisdom there, no future, no answers, no solutions. The one who truly knows this spiritual jewel is very rare. Almost everyone has more faith in the scientific, social, economic, or political structures than they have in Love. Love wants to demonstrate to you the absolute uselessness of the world so that you will take the only alternative path available: You will turn to your inner mind for answers. For it is there, and there alone, that God dwells, as Love.

We have all had to learn, the hard way, that God is no genie, here to serve us; God is not Santa Claus, here to fill our wish-list; God is no knight in white armour who will gallop in to save us at the last minute; God is no Pollyanna being whose job is to make sure that we live "happily ever after." We all learn, with wisdom, to dismiss such attractive fairy-tale images of God.

Instead, God is the deepest Love within our nature. God is the sum of all the Love in the hearts of all sentient beings everywhere among the galaxies. This Love lies so deeply within the Unconscious that most people do not know that It even exists. In order to discover this Love, to tap into Its great Power, we must first give up completely any fairy-tale images of God as a "big daddy in the sky." We must also be forced to give up on the "world." It cannot give satisfying answers.

God does perform miracles, through Love. But they do not come because we beg and plead. They increase with the intensity of our Love. Everything in our worlds-- yours and mine, and those of all people-- is designed to get us to go within, to look inward, for this secret, deeply hidden Love.

This Love is deeply concerned with our spirituality. In fact, you could say, our spirituality is ALL that It cares about! Since that is so, It is concerned very little with the items, objects, and events of this world. It will do, or allow, anything to shake us loose from "faith" in ourselves, or in normal intellectual solutions. This Love wants us to abandon all "faith" in the world. Love is the only healing energy in the cosmos, and everything that God (Love) allows is designed to shake us awake to that fact.

The huge mountain of challenges that you have received recently is a special calling to become a very special kind of being. This outer world is worthless, and it is not your home. Your "home" is the "inner world" of your own mind. And it is here, not above the clouds, not among the galaxies, that God dwells as Love.

Love can never be harsh or cruel. But Its techniques and methods can seem so to our human understanding. When you take a puppy to the vet, for his own good, all that he knows is that he is going to be stuck with a needle. An act of great kindness (a hshot might cost a hundred bucks) is seen, within his limited perception, as an act of harsh cruelty.

Take another example: A third-grader is terrified to take a math test at school, for she has not studied. She screams and cries-- real tears. Her pain and agony are truly real and genuine. Despite this, her loving mother still forces her to go to school. She hates her mother, and believes that her mother really hates her. But her mother's only motive is Love. It is just a Love beyond the comprehension of the little girl.

You will no doubt agree that human consciousness is limited, in more than one way. If you know this, then you can be open to the fact that we might misinterpret reality. That admission is only realistic. Like the pup, and the little girl, a limited view of Love can make it seem like indifference, or even hate.

Losing my vision was the worst thing that ever happened to me. My entire being rebelled against it. I threw away God, and all that God stood for. But, in time, I came to believe that God was a vast, immense Love much greater than the ancient middle eastern deity called "Jehovah" or "Yahweh," who was the wargod of a minor tribal group. The closing of the outer eyes opened the inner in-sight, and forged a personal and deep relationship with the God of Love.

Love "flipped the script" of the entire cosmos, and allowed me to extract what "good" could be extracted from the situation. Many people say that they would rather die than to go blind. I can see why. But I also have come to see what nuggets of gold are buried within the "mud" of harmful, hurtful events.

As human beings, we find it very difficult to shake the old assumptions--believed by all our ancestors-- that death is "bad." This is an example of how what seems to be "bad" can really be good. Early Christians, closer to the Master Jesus, saw death as a release and liberation. They made it an art to escape entanglement with this world, so that, in the end, they did not cling to it. They saw this life as a launch-pad for eternity.

Love wants all of us to awaken to this same profound realization-- that the world is empty, hollow, hopeless, and void. Love then directs us to the real answers inside ourselves.

Sorry, I know that this sounds disjointed and rambling, but it was hard to keep up with the Flow of words pouring through the mind. It is hoped that you can find something of value in these words. You are going to find more of God within yourself during the next five months than you have during the last five thousand years. I think of you with fondness every day, and with very much Love.

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