Tuesday, February 08, 2005


It has always been a dream of people to communicate with loved ones after they have finished "playing their roles" on the "stage of earth." Since Mind is deathless, survival of death is guaranteed.

But not just anyone can do this, under normal circumstances. It often requires what is called "psychic sensitivity." Why? Because the mental energy or force that can be generated by a mind, even one in Love, is limited. And it takes an immense quantity of mental energy to cross the bridge from one mind to another, especially from one universe to another. (The dead are in another universe, and all contact is via telepathy.) The "voice" of a dead person (Soul) is very subtle, almost silent. It is tinier and more quiet even than the famous "still small voice" of conscience. Contact with Souls is much easier in dreamstates, when our conscious "shields" are down.

The "dead" are still alive. They are working out their "karma." They are receiving good for all the good that they gave to others, and pain for all pain that they deliberately caused others. If you choose voluntarily to harm anyone, deliberately, with intention and premeditation (as lawyers call it), you will be messing up your own
personal karma, and you will pay for it. But you do not, cannot, do anything to mess up the overall will of Love to draw the entire cosmos back into Itself someday. No action on your part, as a tiny human being, can make the smallest microscratch on this carefully developed and protected, eons-old plan. For supreme Mind, Lovemind, has already anticipated thousands of errors on your part, and on the part of every
human being.

For example, killing another with deliberate intent will create a very agonizing "hellstate" in your mind. This condition will seem as if it were "outside" and as if it lasts forever. But, in time, you will find selforgiveness and forgiveness, and will emerge from this hellstate to continue your growth-pattern.

Meanwhile, you will have to return to earth and be killed by the one whom you killed, in exactly the same way. Then, you will come back again and kill him, then he will kill you, etc., until one of you forgives and offers unconditional Love. For Love is the only force great enough fully to neutralize the psychogenic factor of karma.

This puts a real cramp in the Soulife of the one killed, but it does not ruin him, or hold him back, entirely. For death of the body is not death of the Soulmind, the thinking, acting, and feeling Self. So, after death, he will just pick up where he left off, and continue to follow his inevitable growth-pattern, in both the afterlife cosmos, and in this one, if he has to return.

God's forgiveness is so illimitable and immeasurable that never has there been a sin greater than God's ability to forgive and to "love away." So, we are given an infinite number of chances, and it simply does not matter, in the long run, how many errors we make. For we will all inevitably be brought into fullest Lovemind. That is why our growth occurs, not only through struggle, but through "grace." Grace means that we are forgiven our errors, not because of anything that we do, but because of God's loving nature.

Jesus said to the superighteous and supereligious people of his time, "The prostitutes and drunkards and theives will go ahead of you into the kingdom of God." (Mt. 21:31) He said, "The kingdom is within you." (Lk. 17:21) Obviously, these "sinners" would not go into the kingdom while still "practicing sin," or making regular mistakes. But Jesus knew that, someday, they would outgrow these mistakes, find selfforgiveness, and begin their spiritual growth! This is why, although it has been carefully hidden by the orthodox Christian Church, the Christian Scriptures teach universal salvation-- that everyone will be "saved" or enlightened, again, through grace.

Some Souls do hang around the earthplane, especially for up to three or four days after their death. After that, more than 97% of all Souls move into the afterlife universe. I have visited this cosmos (I've died twice) and describe it in great detail in my novel Luminous Ecstasies and Passions, also available on the website. But CAUTION: This book celebrates honorable sensuality, and does not see sensuality as evil, but as the gift of God and nature.

Yes, our loved ones do miss us very much when they make the Transition. Their Love does not weaken, but becomes much stronger. While we are unable to look in on their lives, they are able to check on ours from time to time,although they are prohibited from violating our privacy. But they are so happy, with so many bright new Loves and other areas to explore that, within a few days, earthlife begins to seem like the dream that it was. They never lose their Love for us, but twenty years of earthtime can be just five minutes in their universe, so they know that we will be with them again in no time.

If you lost a lover to death, and remarried, and all three of you die, when you get into the afterlife plane, you will have to come together as reasonable adults and set up a plan of action. There is no traditional marriage in the afterlife plane, even as Jesus said. But there are many, many monogamous couples, as most people prefer this pattern. Still,complexities do arise. Many relationships must be ironed out, emphasizing maximum justice and Love for all involved. A person who reacted with jealousy or possessiveness would be severely humiliated in the afterlife world. Since, in that civilization, everyone is vowed to serve Love, including fairness, conflict-resolution reaches new heights.

Usually what will happen is that you would settle to live with one of the men, and the other man would find a suitable companion from thousands of willing, happy candidates. Everyone in the Homeworld (what they call their cosmos) has all her wishes fulfilled. This leads to happiness and total fulfillment,and that, in turn, makes Love and justice so much easier!:)

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