Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rde's, obe's, and remote viewing

Your inquiry is a fascinatingly profound and necessary one. The "obe's" [out-of-body experiences] are different from the rde's [real-death experiences], for an obe does not, and is not designed to, lead to death. And a "remote viewing" session is different from both, for it might or might not involve an actual obe. It might just as easily occur psychically, all in the head, as in visualization. (Remote viewing has been demonstrated to be accurate, by none less than the skeptical and cynical military.) In a project called "Starlight" (I think), its efficacy and accuracy were demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt. The mechanism of the process is not, cannot fully be, understood within the framework of ordinary psychology. As of now, it must remain in that odd realm known as parapsychology."

When evaluating the rde, we must be very careful of bias. For we have all been deeply affected, on subconscious and unconscious levels, by the avid and arid materialism of our cynical culture. We have been reinforced many times to dismiss anything that seems outside the box. We are taught to feel selfconscious, and even ashamed, to think differently than our peers.

So, one of the best things that we can do is to turn to the professionals, and ask them what they think. In the case of rde, one could make a very solid case for its representing a real, as opposed to hallucinatory, event. And once you experience it, you come back from it with a solid personal conviction that it was no dream or hallucination; for you are wide awake during the whole experience.

This has been proved many times by interactions with others in the room -- for example, in watching or listening to them. This would be impossible in either a dream or hallucination.

Another reason to view the rde's as real experiences is the variability of hallucinations. Give ten people acid, and you will inevitably have ten very different experiences reported. But all the rde's reported have been identical in their core-events. Hallucinations never display such homogeneity, even if caused by the same neurochemical agents or environments.

"Remote viewing events" can be generated, to some extent, by willing them. Rde's, by contrast, occur involuntarily when the body-brain is in severe crisis, close to actual death. The two states have much in common, although there are also a few other details that separate them into different states.

Whether or not you agree with death-survival, you are right: The most important objective is to live a life as filled with Love as possible. I've had a couple of death-experiences, and in one, was given a kind of "tour" of the afterlife, by a volunteer who called herself a "guide for newcomers." Not surprisingly, this produced a book. It is my only work of "fiction," for its adventures were so incredible that this was the only way to present their fantastic contents. (But the book actually contains visionary experiences that, at the time, seemed as real as anything in this world.) If you would like a copy, just send us your snailmail address, and ask for Luminous Ecstasies and Passions: Journeys Into Afterlife. Or, in shorthand, just ask for "leap.":)

When I outgrew the backwards primitivity of the crude materialism of the JW cult, my knowing of the afterlife has given great strength during the passing of loved ones, by which I otherwise might have been crushed. Not only does it provide hope, but it makes possible the eventual solutions of all earth-problems in the vast and immense "someday" of eternity. It does truly make life so much richer and more beautiful when you view the "eye-blink" of this life as part of a much more colossal whole. It removes great stresses and burdens. It promises fairness and justice.

As you know, I believe in reincarnation-- that forgiveness can be total, because we have many lives to work out our problems. This belief is reinforced by its acceptance by most of the people on our planet during most of history, including mystical Jews and early Christians. It is also the only explanation that makes any sense, as so many other, fairly feeble, ideas have been examined at length and in detail.

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