Sunday, November 05, 2006



With this question of criticism, we must return to Square One: The enlightened mystic lives in two worlds or universes, one of which is absolutely real and the other of which is relatively or secondarily real. To criticize a person such as Adolf Hitler might be the call of Love, particularly if one criticizes out of compassion for all the suffering. (I perceive the criticism of george bush to be following a similar mandate.:)

Of course, in the real world of the absolute Mind, or the cosmos of the Absolute, to criticize anyone is to criticize the entire cosmos, and the Self. But in the everyday, ordinary world of maya, Love often calls upon us, as does simple reason, to criticize people and ideas that have run, often dangerously, off the "track" of compassion, world-healing, goodness, kindness, and other "fruits" of Love.

Mystics throughout history have been the most notable, and famous, critics of people and teachings which stunt the progress and growth of Love. Jesus, the great teacher of universal peace, rather harshly criticized the "respectable" religious leaders of his day, as recorded in Matthew chapter 23. Love prevents the mystic from ever devolving into apathy or complacency. She is here to play the game of the world, and she is here to help Love win, against its many enemies. So, she is very sincere when she criticizes, and she really tries to make all criticisms constructive, not destructive.

The world is filled with tricks and illusions. It is by solving its puzzles and problems, and exposing its imperfections, that the mystic makes her own position clear, and helps and teaches others.

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