Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some Notes on Vegetarianism

After centuries of experiential observation and personal experimentation with a vegetarian diet, there are still a plethora of ignorant ideas about the subject. So, you are wise not to take advice from the average person, who is often hopelessly uneducated, and who also has a bias and prejudice against vegetarianism. Instead, ask the experts, the nutritionists.

The most common but ignorant "fact" is that the human body "needs" meat. But studies have shown, over and over, that vegetarians live longer than carnivores (meat-eaters). Vegetarians also have more energy in their everyday lives. They are also less subject to depression.

Meat-eaters often suffer from depression or even panic-attacks because these are injected into the meat. The last experience of an animal, just before she is agonizingly, mercilessly murdered, is extreme panic or serious depression. The molecules that cause these feelings are impressed into the meat; when you eat it, you also get depressed, or even panic.

Many studies have shown beyond any doubt that vegetarians are faster, smarter, stronger, healthier, and happier than meat-eaters. Why? This question brings us to the second ignorant but "common" assumption: The human body is that of a natural meat-eater.

Wrong! The human body was never designed to eat meat. In the allegory of Genesis, human beings were given "all green herbs" for food, and were never given permission by God to eat their little "brothers and sisters," the animals. This is a major reason, in fact, why we do not have peace with many animal-species.

The human body is comparable to that of other bioforms that are vegetarian. The strongest creatures on our planet are vegetarians, including the great gorillas, elephants, and other very advanced species.

Let's start at the beginning: The chemistry and acidity of our saliva is that of vegetarians. (That of carnivores is much more acidic.) The general structure of our teeth is exactly like that of other vegetarians. (Even the canines can be used to tear apart vegetable-matter, and are by no means "proof" that we have the teeth of carnivores; for every one of their teeth is pointed.)

Next, the stomach-acid of the human system is just like that of many herbivores (plant-eaters) in nature. It is designed to break apart (metabolize) vegetable substances, and is not efficient at assimilation of dead animals. Also, the length of the large intestine is similar to that of other herbivores.

Meat does not digest well. Meat might be actually two or three days old, or even older, lying in the stomach. This is rotten meat; if you saw or smelled it, you would likely vomit. It is quite sickening.

Everything in human physiology and anatomy points to the inescapable conclusion that we are constructed, biologically, as herbivores, not carnivores.

While meat-eating is not the only cause of cancer and obesity, with accompanying heart-disease, the eating of the unhealthy fats found in dead animals does contribute to these and an entire wide spectrum of allergies and assorted diseases. It is reasonable that, if we eat what nature has not designed or prepared us to digest, we will create diseases in the system. Heart-disease and cancer have reached nightmarish proportions in our country, where most people eat meat; and yet, we almost never make this most obvious connection.

Why? Because we are too stupid, ignorant, or lazy to connect the dots. And we are far too lazy to exercise the mild discipline necessary to alter our diets. "It was good enough for good ol' dad (or, mom)," we say, even if they died of heart-disease, cancer, or obesity-related diseases. It was not good enough for them. And it is not good enough for us.

Is it difficult to become a vegetarian? No, it is very simple. Getting enough protein is necessary, of course. A vegetarian will get as diseased as anyone else if she eats only "junkfood." But revised and modern nutritional studies have proved that we need only 45 grams of protein a day. That is not a lot. You can easily buy protein powder (to be mixed with milk or fruit-juice), and it has 22 grams of protein per tablespoon. So, two glasses takes care of your protein needs every day- - without the ghastly effects of animal-fats, which are toxic.

We all have a lower nature, often called the "animal nature," and a higher nature, the "spiritual nature." People have believed, for thousands of years, that consuming meat makes our animal-natures (greed, anger, frustration, depression) stronger. This "animal" self is weakened by a vegetarian diet, and the spiritual nature (happiness, joy, Love, compassion, sharing, peace with nature) is thus made stronger.

Also, it is a matter of compassion and Love to eat only plants. It shows respect for intelligent and family-oriented creatures such as cows. To make meat, they are electrocuted by shoving an electrical hot wire up their rectums, and fried in the most agonizing and tortuous way imaginable. Yet these are creatures who can feel very deeply, especially when they see their young slaughtered, or their mothers, brothers, and friends and relatives.

Of course, they do not have cognition equivalent to the human mind, but this does not give us the right to treat them as if they were inanimate blocks of wood, without feelings. (They have highly developed brains and nervous-systems.)

But here is the grabber: A full ninety percent of all grain grown in this country goes to feeding pigs and cows, so that we can have our burgers and bacon. If that grain went to human children, starvation could disappear overnight! As it is, today, thirty thousand children will drop dead from starvation. This is directly because Americans demand their burgers and bacon.

So, vegetarianism is not only much, much healthier and more natural than eating dead and putrified animals. It is also the path of compassion, for people who really care about people.

If you want to experiment with vegetarianism, be careful to include protein-sources in your diet. Besides the protein-powder, which is flavored chocolate, peanut-butter, or vanilla, among many other delicious flavors, you can get natural protein from nuts (in moderation), egg-whites, milk, and cheese. These ingredients can be fixed a hundred ways, in scrumptuous recipes. Also, be sure to try to get some exercise (three times a week, thirty minutes each period). For this is living as nature intended. If you decide to remain a carnivore, you are taking unnecessary chances with the health of your body, and with your life. Of course, diseases and disorders come from many sources, not just eating dead animals. But, if you love your body, you naturally want to give it your best, support it in health, and not clog it up, fill it, with toxins and poisons. Modern meats are often processed with two to three thousand chemicals, none of which the body is prepared to assimilate. Like meat and its natural products, these are often quite toxic.

If you would like more information, please write, and let's talk about it! My address is: rmfrancis@juno.com

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