Tuesday, May 02, 2006

God and "Hellfire"

The idea of an everlasting hell is so completely contrary to Love that it is actually a form of madness. It was created by psychotic Church-fathers to scare the people into Church-attendance. By the year 200, the early Church had already begun to evolve towards a giant economic and political institution. Because it needed the money of all the people all the time, the leaders, who were quite often insane, had to figure out a way to force people to attend Church regularly. They could well see that Love was not serving the interests of the religious empire, and so, they tried its opposite, fear.

The ancient mystic John, in his first Epistle, wrote, "Love, when it has become complete, casts out fear." (4:18) So, anyone who is filled with fear of this psychotic superstition, and the crazy god behind it, needs to fill herself, day and night, with positive spiritual material in an intense program or agenda of spiritual education. She should fill the mind at all times with the attempted realization that God is Love, and Love never does any harm to any living creature.

What human parent, even with our plethora of imperfections and violence, would hold her cute young daughter's hand over a candle-flame and ignore her screams? We would justifiably and correctly lock up a person who behaved like this. This parent would deserve it, for she would have proved herself, with no doubt at all, to be quite insane.

To erase and resist this god-image created by psychotic and disturbed Church-leaders, we must also spend very much time in meditation or prayer. We could select as a mantra, for example, "God's perfect Love," "God's stainless Love," "God is Love and..." or a similar phrase. Also, we need to turn within with joy and anticipation that God is greater than any of our "sins," and know with all our being that it is His/Her great pleasure to forgive us.

Jesus, perfectly representing the "Father," practiced perfect forgiveness. He was striking in how he exercised compassion rather than harsh judgment towards even serious sinners, such as people caught in adultery. He stunned the respectable religious leaders of his day by daring to forgive sins. And he made a factual statement that we still need to remember: "All your sins are forgiven."

The question of everlasting hell is a part of two larger questions: The nature of God and the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus', and God's, Love is infinite. There can never be a sin greater than this galactic Love's ability to forgive. God CAN forgive any sin; the only remaining question is, "Does She/He want to forgive us?"

The answer is a resounding YES! As Love Itself, God does not simply have Love, but is Love. As most tranquil and peaceful Love, God suffers from none of the mental illnesses that infect and warp human beings. When people cannot, or choose not to, forgive, we correctly say that they are spiritually sick. This is a mark of spiritual pathology, sometimes even of mental weakness, or even illness.

To understand the true God, we must often work very hard to strip the heartmind of all the ancient images of god, such as those found in the Hebrew Scriptures ("Old Testament"). We must awaken fully to the amazing realization that the God of Jesus was not the god of the ancient Hebrews. Those ancient people, the respectable worshippers of "Jehovah-Yahweh," supported the murder of Jesus. This strongly proves that their faith was not sufficient in Love. So, Jesus created an alternative to Judaism, called "Christianity." Had the ancient faith been accurate in its portrayal of God, Jesus would not have replaced it.

So, to refashion her God-image, a person will have carefully, conscientiously to avoid reading the Hebrew Scriptures and all "Christian" literature that confuses Jehovah-Yahweh with God. This means that she will have to avoid many ideas, and many people, who make this error. And, among Christians (especially but not only fundies) this horrid nightmare of a mistake is all but ubiquitous. So, in full revision of the God-image, one must rather carefully avoid reading almost all "Christian" literature, for almost everyone makes this extremely serious distortion.

You can strengthen your positive and healing faith by avoiding this kind of person, lost in ignorance, and gently, lovingly replacing "friends" from the past who are consumed with a god of hatred. Try to associate with only friends who are open to a God of Love, to talk and discuss with them. Often, a nonreligious type can be more supportive, more spiritual, than a religious person.

Think about the God of unconditional Love and forgiveness, pray to Him/Her, day and night, without ceasing. If you do this, with a sincere heart, She/He will help you to eradicate the ghastly and wrong image of God. Trust fully in God to be able to do what you cannot do alone: He/She can help you to erase these old and destructive "tapes" in the mind. Never give up.

If there is any way that I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call (513-) 737-LOVE (5683). I am not sure where you live, but we also have spiritual gatherings every other Sundayy. The next one, on May 14 (Sunday), we are going to have in a local park. These gatherings are very positive and deeply spiritual, and you are welcome to attend. Also, you can find much encouragement and education on our regular radioprogram, "High Spirits," on Saturday at 8 pm, on 1530 wcky. No matter where you live, and even if you cannot get the radiostation on your radio, please feel free to call during the show, from 8 to 9 pm, on Saturday, at 877-345-3779.

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