Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Universal Salvation

Re the references in Matthew 25:31-46: This is the setting up of the moral and ethical code that underlies the truly Christian life. The Christian is forbidden to look down on others, for each contains the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. In the text, Jesus does not say, "it is as if you have done it to Me," but instead, "you have done it to Me."

Thus, what we do to others, we actually do to this sacred Spirit (the Christ). The Spirit of Love indwells every creature, and so, each and every one is to be loved. But what is the very minimal, the very least, Love that you can give to a stranger? Obviously, you cannot go around hugging strangers, or giving them your pay-check. Christianity does not demand this unreasonable activity.

The very least Love that you can, and must, give to every stranger is to wish her no harm, and, positively, to wish for her a life of Love, friendship, spiritual Light-- in a word, true success. You can give this kind of Love to the most despicable and evil-- even to those whom you do not like.

Jesus talks about a separation between symbolic "sheep" (those who are kindly and gently responsive to Love) and "goats" (those who are stubbornly resistant to the message). He says that the sheep will find a place of honor in the "kingdom of God," but the "goats" will find a state or condition of "lopping-off," to use the Greek phrase.

This being cut off from God does not occur due to the will or action of God (Love). It occurs due to the response of the person, rejecting God's Presence in her life through free will.

This text contains a common mistranslation: For, in English, it speaks of an "everlasting" cutting-off. But in the Greek, the adjective used here was aionian, which does not mean "everlasting," but, "lasting for an age." So, the karmic condition of feeling separate from Love, without Love in their lives, is the truest state of "hell." It would last for a very long time (an "age"), but would not, and could not, last forever.

For, in time, God (Love) will teach everyone, and guide everyone into perfect enlightenment, due to God's grace.

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