Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2008

God and Healing


God can heal any person of any condition at any time. Absolutely anything is possible with God, as Jesus said.

Why does God (Love) not perfectly heal everyone, giving the great gift of a perfect bodymind to all His/Her children?

This is possible, but God allows the inconvenience and even suffering of illness in order for us to learn compassion through empathy. A person who has never suffered would feel no compassion towards others who suffer. But she who suffers much, loves much.

Imperfect health is the essence of our spiritual training in Love.
Illness also makes us humble, realizing that we cannot control everything with the conscious mind. The tendency towards "magical thinking' is so attractive, so tempting, that God often allows us to experience illness in order that we can realize our full and complete dependence on Love (God).

Added to the above is our karmic heritage. If ever, in our long history, we have harmed another with deliberate intention, our body might reflect the same or similar condition. But even if this might be so, it does nothing to neutralize or dilute our real need to show compassionate Love towards all. Also, some suffering is the result of voluntary or elective karma; it was chosen by a Soul to accelerate spiritual development.
Also, remember that illness is not "totally bad," for it can provide us with opportunities for exits from these bodies.

But this is by no means the most common explanation. A fourth reason for illness is that it teaches us precisely what we need to learn. Most of the great and lovely saintmystics and mastersages of history have suffered from some biological shortcomings. These could turn their attention away from the glittering baubles of the external world, turning their gaze inward.

At any rate, we know that illness is not the result of a "curse" by God, but is instead an evidence of His special blessing. St. Paul had eye-trouble, about which he prayed many times. God apparently did not heal him, but told him, "My strength shall be complete in thy weakness."

These "weaknesses" remind us continually not to depend upon the ego, but upon only infinite Love (God). They slam the interior brakes on ultraegotism and egocentricity. For only when humbled from the illusion of selfimportance does a heart turn towards Love.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Genetics and Nutrition


In looking at the overview of the health of the physical body, there might be no simple answers. People who jump on the bandwagon of new "nutritional theories" often make absurd claims that a particular seed, fruit, or vitamin can cure just about anything or everything! And this is a very attractive idea! Although entire books might be written to defend the latest nutritional "fad," actual experience generally disproves that any single or simple substance can serve all people as a "cure-all." Even when "much evidence" is presented, it is not scientific, or does not necessarily apply to all people. Human biochemistry is so complex that virtually any substance might have a positive effect on one, or a few, persons. But this "healing effect" is not generalizable to the public or population in general. Nature, even in her wide, breath-taking abundance and variety, appears to have created no "cure-all."

Why? Because biological imperfection is an important part of the "test" or "exam" of this physical life. We are supposed to learn compassion from this biolife on earth, and limitation teaches compassion. She who has never suffered knows little compassion; she who suffers more can love more.

So, earth is a school. And our "textbooks" include illness and other limitations. And even though it is a great fantasy, the simple truth is that nutrition cannot cure all biological imperfections. For some illnesses and general imperfections are the result of the molecular structure of dna, the molecular "blue-print" for the physical body. This is "designer-dna," for it is designed before birth by the Soulmind (deep in the Unconscious).

The products of dna are called "genetic." Here, we will call them "karmogenetic," for genetics always expresses karma. And dna is a molecule of great complexity; it has nearly a billion smaller molecular sub-units within the molecule.

We are just beginning to understand which sub-molecules influence which characteristics, which can create certain imperfections, disorders, or dysfunctions. To discover these molecular causes was the purpose of the famous "genome project."

If a condition is genetic, it cannot and will not be reversed completely by nutrition; for the problem is structural, not nutritional. And even if the dna could be changed by visualization, as some believe, one would have to know the detailed construction of this very vast molecule in order to change the appropriate sub-molecule.

Visualization can be a powerful healing-technique, but it cannot reverse all conditions; neither can "positive thinking." For simply denying a condition, as the Christian Scientists do, does not make that condition miraculously disappear! (If it were that simple, everyone would have perfect health, all the time!)

It is important to love your body. This is a form, and aspect, of selflove. You want to feed it with food that is natural, good, and of high quality. But if your Soul has chosen a condition for your body, and it has been expressed "karmogenetically," then your lesson on earth is to learn to live with that state, and to adapt to it. Your challenge might not be to force the condition to change, or to heal it. Your challenge might be to learn to adapt to it, to live with it, even to draw compassion from your suffering.

Historically, this is why some of the most beautiful, enlightened, and powerful Souls have suffered from biological limitations. These wise sages and mysticsaints did not simply lack the "good sense" or the "faith" to be able to heal themselves. Some conditions simply do not respond to mental changes, while others do.

We do have some biological control over our bodies, but it is limited; it operates only within certain parameters. Beyond them, we cannot go.

Why? Because, as in all other facets of our lives, we are here to learn faith or trust. We are here to learn to trust the cosmic Mind of Love.
Only those who do not trust It will try to grasp control of the world and give it to the ego. And this is spiritual illness-- much more serious and long-lasting than any physical illness.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Aspartame Horror Stories


I learned the hard way, by sharing various frauds and hoaxes with friends, just how widespread this kind of thing is. Several anti-aspartame stories are precisely this kind of fraud. Why? The sugarindustry, which moves billions of dollars through the economy, is highly motivated to send, promote, and replicate anti-aspartame stories.
All their money is at stake. The sugarindustry also promotes heavily such stories as that aspartame turns into formaldehyde, is toxic, is carcinogenic, etc.

But the truth is, millions of people have been ingesting billions of "doses" of aspartame for many years without ill effects. And now, the vast sugarindustry is joined by other, alternative, artificial sweeteners, who also want to demonize aspartame.

Health-food fans and faddists always want to find a simple, single cause of many disorders. Then, all that they have to do is to avoid that substance, and then, they convince themselves, they can enjoy "perfect" health!

But life is not that simple. For years, sugar itself was attacked, much as the sugarindustry now attacks aspartame. But let us look for a moment at nature: Every petal on every flower, every leaf on every tree, every blade of grass, contains sugar! So, it is hardly the toxic "demon" that it has been made out to be. In fact, the human body requires sugar! It is our primary source of energy.

Does anyone ever get sick from too much sugar? Certainly. But can it cause diabetes? No, for if you do not have the gene for diabetes, you will not become diabetic by consuming sugar-- even in large quantities.

Has anyone ever become sick because of aspartame? Absolutely; different biochemistries have very different sensitivities. As some people are severely allergic to strawberries or peanuts, and these foods create an alarming spectrum of symptoms in these sensitive people, some are no doubt aspartame-sensitive. Aspartame can be dangerous for these people.

Perhaps it was one of these types represented in your hair-raising story.

But for the population in general, aspartame does not appear to be toxic. In fact, after billions of "doses," there is no solid, good, scientific evidence that aspartame is harmful unless you are aspartame-sensitive!

These stories are like soap-operas. They are scary, even exciting. They promise, further, a simple way to "more perfect" health-- just avoid the "demon" chemical! But these stories lack real credibility. This one was written as if you knew the person personally. But I doubt whether this is so; that perspective is meant simply to increase its dubious credibility.

The wisest perspective is not to "demonize" any substance. The history of the health-food movement, during the past century, is littered with the remains of hundreds, if not thousands, of "demonized" substances. Happily, most turned out to be quite harmless.

In fact, as one example, the chemical BHT (butylhydrotoulene) was so demonized. Now, some health-food faddists are taking it in supplemental capsules; for it is a preservative, and they hope that it will "preserve" them! So, these health-food fads come and go. They are unreliable and not credible; we must use, instead, the principles of sound nutrition to guide us: In other words, eat more fruits, grains, and veggies; avoid meat, and live in Love!
