Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Lovelight" magazine


We truly, deeply appreciate any ideas for our monthly Lovelight magazine. However, it is a magazine of high spirituality. That is, it is not a magazine of religion. (The same is true of the uld, this present infosheet, the "Universal Love Digest." This is its "sister magazine" online.) We are very interested in the presentation of great truths. But we are not at all interested in the doctrines (dogma) of any
particular church or denomination.

Thus, we use, and are open to, texts from the Bible. But, if these are too numerous, they start to get a bit overwhelming; worse, they start to look like religion (dogma and doctrine) rather than purest spirituality-- which is the practice of universal, unconditional, and consistent Love.

So, please feel free to send in anything, any time, if the piece feels more spiritual than religious.

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