Thursday, March 24, 2005

Thrilling Nexuspoints!


All of us have experienced dramatic, mind-rocking moments that have changed our lives forever! These are called "nexuspoints." After they tornadically rush into our lives, nothing is ever the same!. During these thrilling, luminous moments, we are "reborn,"!

Four have been known in this life, and all orbit the theme of Love. The first was marriage, thirty-four years ago, to the Love of youth, who has blossomed into a lovely, gentle, intelligent, smart, tender, funny lady with whom it is a pleasure to spend life. She has stood valiantly during life's most horrific hurricanes, and has been there when life was a battle-ground, and when it was a play-ground.

The second nexuspoint occurred in the mind, not the world. It was a Niagara of Love that washed over the entire being, saturating it in the pristine and stainless Light-ocean of Love. This unsought experience lasted only about ten minutes, but those life-changing moments could not have been more powerful had they lasted a millennium! For in that moment, it was revealed that the only important pursuit, among the thousands that life offers, is to love. Out of all the fine goals of politics, religion, business, education, and other life-areas, all that truly counts, in the final moments of our lives, is how well, and how often, we loved ourselves and others.

This monumental breakthrough led to the next nexuspoint: At the age of four, the family joined an extremist rightwing religious cult. It held to some antihuman ideas, such as the one that God was going to murder the entire human race (except for cultmembers). It was saturated hopelessly with superstitions, and saw "evil spirits" everywhere. All churches, religions, and all people, except cultmembers, were "demonic" and controlled by Satan. The god of the cult was petulant, violent, unreasoning, capricious, and threw regular temper-tantrums. He had the emotional maturity of a four-year-old. Compared to being immersed in a galaxy of pure Love, the cult was no competition! So, it was time for voluntary resignation. That was the best move possible, in the twenty-twenty vision of retrospect!

The fourth nexuspoint occurred when the donkey (body) experienced serious kidney-failure. That was when the beloved sister Pat rushed to the rescue! Eighteen years older, she had always been part sister and part "mother," with a deep, abiding Love between us that was mutual. Over the years, it had grown into a beautiful, infinite power that unified our hearts in warm brightness. When her brother, still in the cult, heard of the condition, he fled in terror and panic, lest he be asked to donate an organ! But sweet Pat as rapidly hurried to give! She could not wait! Since a part of her now lives within, our Love has grown into a special sharing, a kind of "oneness." What a great pleasure and delight was that special sharing!

Due to these powerful nexuspoints, a career in psychology has been followed and cultivated. It is a special subsystem of psychology called "agapology"-- the Science of Love. Learning to love is the key to liberation, and a dozen books on this fascinating, captivating subject have been written. The free services of lifedesign consultant and psychospiritual advisor have been pursued for over thirty years, and they have filled life with joy!

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