Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Multiple Universes

I have long believed in, followed the intuition of, mulltiple universes. For if every soul did not do every possible thing, it, and the cosmos, would necessarily be "incomplete." So, when you followed the left turn of a fork in the road, another self, in another cosmos (or "dimension") took the right-hand turn. When your soul is finished playing the earthgame, you will come together, in one soul, with countless selves from innumerable universes, and you will have the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of all of them. Looking back on your life, you need never wonder "What would have happened if i had done this or that?" For, in some cosmos, you did those things! Each fork in the road creates others, so that, when you made a decision at age five, it might have altered the rest of your life. But other selves made other decisions! This alone can make you complete.

We, even in this life, do overlap with other dimensions or universes. One of them is the Homeworld, the place where we go for refreshment between lives on earth. This world is what my novel, Luminous Ecstasies and Passions, is all about. It is a celebration of the spiritual within the sensual.

It helps to realize that you are never alone-- no matter how unconventional or unorthodox ("weird") you might be!

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