In the next weeks this momentum will keep growing through more newspaper ads, radio spots, mass rallies, petition gathering, and growing participation in the People's Impeachment Lobby and the Impeach Bush referendum.
Donate today to help place more newspaper ads and radio spots.
The results of this grassroots campaign are visible everywhere. The Washington Post had to acknowledge this reality in a front page article
entitled, “Near Paul Revere Country, Anti-Bush Cries Get Louder:” The article reads, “To drive through New England's mill towns and curling
country roads is to journey into its impeachment belt. Three of this state's 10 House members have called for the investigation and possible
impeachment of President Bush.” Four townships in Vermont voted for impeachment in early March. And it is not just Vermont. From California to North Carolina to Wyoming, in New Mexico and New Hampshire impeachment resolutions are being introduced and adopted from one end of this country to the other! The City and County of San Francisco voted for Impeachment at the end of February.
ImpeachBush signs were visible in demonstrations around the country on March 18 and March 19, marking the third anniversary of the criminal invasion of Iraq. members and volunteers held banners, passed out petitions, and carried signs. We aim to bring the message of impeachment to every upcoming antiwar activity, which requires significant funds. Click here to contribute to the production of leaflets, signs, and banners.
The number of people who have voted in favor of impeachment with is now over 700,000. People are not only voting in the on-line referendum and getting their friends and families to do so, but are circulating and collecting signatures for petitions among their neighbors, and in their unions and schools, and places of worship. You can download the petition from the web site.
We are not waiting for the politicians. Every historic mass movement started at the grassroots. The corporate-owned mass media tried to
silence the movement by refusing to provide honest coverage. But thousands of people generously donated so that we could purchase full
page newspaper ads around the country and tear the down curtain of silence. The huge response is just what we expected as people have
learned how to join the movement. Now there is Impeachment activity in every state in the country.
If you have never donated to please consider doing so now. If you have contributed in the past we urge you to make another donation. The Impeachment movement can keep up the momentum with your help.
We can only continue to place the newspaper ads through the commitment and continued support of those who understand that Impeachment is the fundamental Constitutional method for holding officials accountable for criminal conduct. Please donate today.
Impeachment news digest!
1) The Impeachment Resolution adopted in Newfane, Vermont:
whereas George W. Bush has:
Misled the nation about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction;
Misled the nation about ties between Iraq and al-Qaeda;
Used these falsehoods to lead our nation into war unsupported by international law;
Not told the truth about American policy with respect to the use of torture; and
Has directed the government to engage in domestic spying, in direct contravention of U.S. law.
Therefore, the voters of the town of Newfane ask that our representative to the U.S. House of Representatives file articles of impeachment to
remove him from office.
2) New “Secret” Bush-Blair Memo Reveals Plan for Unprovoked war The New York Times published a front page story on Monday March 27th about another internal British memorandum, written in 2003 prior to the invasion of Iraq, that completely unmasks, once again, Bush’s repeated lying assertions that he went to war against Iraq as a “last choice.” The article shows that the Bush was dead-set on going to war and was mainly worried about how to proceed with the war even as Iraq was complying with UN weapons inspections and even as the inspectors were finding no nuclear, chemical or biological weapons program in Iraq. Below is a partial excerpt:
Bush Was Set on Path to War, Memo by British Adviser Says Published on Monday, March 27, 2006 by the New York Times
by Don Van Natta Jr.
LONDON — In the weeks before the United States-led invasion of Iraq, as the United States and Britain pressed for a second United Nations
resolution condemning Iraq, President Bush's public ultimatum to Saddam Hussein was blunt: Disarm or face war.
But behind closed doors, the president was certain that war was inevitable. During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he made clear to Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain that he was determined to invade Iraq without the second resolution, or even if international arms inspectors failed to find unconventional weapons, said a confidential memo about the meeting written by Mr. Blair's top foreign policy adviser and reviewed by The New York Times.
"Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning," David Manning, Mr. Blair's chief foreign policy adviser at the time, wrote in the memo that summarized the discussion between Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair and six of their top aides. "The start date for the military campaign was now penciled in for 10 March," Mr. Manning wrote, paraphrasing the president. "This was when the bombing would begin…."
The memo indicates the two leaders envisioned a quick victory and a transition to a new Iraqi government that would be complicated, but manageable. Mr. Bush predicted that it was "unlikely there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups."
Mr. Blair agreed with that assessment.
The memo also shows that the president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq. Faced with the possibility of not finding any before the planned invasion, Mr. Bush talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation, including a proposal to paint a United States surveillance plane in the colors of the United Nations in hopes of drawing fire, or assassinating
Mr. Hussein... At their meeting, Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair candidly expressed their doubts that chemical, biological or nuclear weapons would be found in Iraq in the coming weeks, the memo said. The president spoke as if an invasion was unavoidable. The two leaders discussed a timetable for the war, details of the military campaign and plans for the aftermath of the war… Without much elaboration, the memo also says the president raised three possible ways of provoking a confrontation.”
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